Friday, February 17, 2012

Gender roles

Gender Roles- Expectations -to think to act and to feel. expected modes of cognition,behaviour and affect.

Views on Gender Development: 
Biology:Hormones, physiological aspects. 
Social- Learning, gender being learned through observation and modelling.
Cognitive Development Theory- How child thinks about gender development 
Gender Schema development- Information processing, main thought in psych, see brain as being a computer.

I bee live that a persons biological hormones and the modelling from around our society are the biggest factors in our gender development. An example of a strong male figure is david Beckham, as he is fit, supports a family, plays sports. An example of a strong female figure is Princess Diana, because she is kind caring and a role model for many people. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Multiple Intelligence

 In the TED talk -"How Schools Kill creativity" Sir Ken Robinson talks about how creativity in schools os just as important as literature. He believes that children are educated out of creativity. He also talked about Gillian Lynne who  is a British ballerina, dancer, actor, theatre Director, television director and choreographer noted for her popular theatre choreography associated with the musical Cats and the current longest running show in broadway history, The Phantom of the Opera. He talked about how when she was younger she couldn't sit still in school, and instead of the therapist putting her on medicine and telling her to calm down, noticed her bodily movement for dance, and in rolled her into a dance school. The therapist noticed her Bodily kinesthetics and realize that she needs to move in order to be able to learn. 

Gardners multiple intelligence include: Mathematics, Verbal, Musical, Spatial, Bodily kinesthetics,Interpersonal, Interpersonal, naturalistic,spiritual and existential.

Out of the multiple Intelligence I believe that I am Bodily Kinaesthetic, because I need to be moving and enjoy doing sports and learn better after I have done a physical activity, I also believe that I am interpersonal because I can empathize with others and feel for people, and want to help people. Multiple intelligence are important to recognize with people, because they can depict how different people learn.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Kohlberg's Stages

In Kohlbergs stages and levels of moral development there are 3 levels and 6 stages. 
Level 1: Pre-conventional- Individual doesn't reason through moral principles; consequences. 
-Stage 1: Punishment- wanting to avoid punishment 
-Stage 2: Hedonism- Motivated by personal pleasure, decisions move you to a desired consequences. 
Level 2: Conventional- Reasoning correlations to conventions
-Stage 3: "Nice boy/girl":Social approval 
-Stage 4: Law and Order- follow law, not necessarily moral laws.
Level 3: Post-Conventional-
-Stage 5: Social contract: great each other with respect because thats the deal
-Stage 6: Universal ethical: Few people read it, human life more precious than profit, thinking is not at all selfish, only your beliefs, regardless of individuals. 

Looking at these stages I believe that I am in between Conventional and Post-Conventional. I believe this because I follow societies laws and sociality norms but I also have my own morals and laws in which I follow and proceed.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

IQ Myths and truths.

IQ Test Definition: A simple way to describe intelligence by assigning it a number that represents the ratio of mental to chronological age, multiplied by 100. Average IQ is therefor 100 and is based on a comparison between an individuals performance and that of other comparable people. 
Mental Age: Whatever score you get on the test determines what age you are at. 
Chronological Age: Age in years. 
IQ Formula: IQ= MA/QA x100 ex) A ten year old performs at the level of an eight year old is IQ is 10/80x100=80. 

Normal Deviations: 
34% of the population will get a IQ of 100-115
68% of population will have an IQ of 85-115 
Myths of IQ tests:
a) IQ tests measure intelligence
b) IQ tests measure the only important thing worth measuring
c) IQ score doesn't change
Truth of IQ tests:
a) IQ score predicts academic success

Looking at these myths I believe that IQ tests should not be used in schools because what it is, is a measurement of the performance on the test at that day, not overall. A IQ test also doesn't incorporate important things like social interactions, emotions and things like common sense knowledge. Therefor I believe that IQ tests are to standardized to be used in classrooms. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

IQ Tests

A lot of people in our society today have concerns and doubts about IQ testing children. I believe that children should be IQ tested but only if a problem or learning disability may be a factor. For example, I went to school with a girl who was born n December so she was older and got put in the grade above. Around first grade, teachers were noticing that she was behind the students in the class, so they tested her and realized that she was a whole grade level behind in reading and writing. They ended up putting her back in the lower grade so that she could catch up with reading and writing. I believe that this was a good way to IQ test someone because they knew something was wrong and searched for a problem, and caught the problem just in time. Having said this though, I do not believe that children should be IQ tested just on a regular basis, because it is a standardized test and does fit everyones learning styles. Also in our world today, there is so much extra stressed put on children and i feel like these IQ tests just add to that unneeded stress. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory.

- Learning occurs in a nest of five systems.

 1st- Microsystem:  System in which the individual most directly participates
My microsystem: Jasper Alberta, Red Deer College, female,Student, English and French, mom & dad and two brothers and nineteen years old. 

2nd- Meso system:  Intermediate or between system that is between systems and connects what happens in the Microsystems. 
My Meso system: The roads in-between Jasper and Red Deer, and roads to the college. 

3rd- Exo system:  External or outside, we cannot have activate participation in it,  but it does impact us. 
My Exo system: Government, healthcare, mass media, school board,laws and weather 

4th- Macro system:  Less social and nature, more about intellectual and cultural sphere. Beliefs and ideas in our society. 
My Macro system: Christian, Canadian and anti-slavery. 

5th- Chrono system:  Time- System that comes to us from the socio historic conditions of our life course.The way our life is based on the history or time we live in. 
My Chrono system: Freedom and equality in Canada, iPods/ Blackberrys, Laptops and internet.