Tuesday, February 7, 2012

IQ Myths and truths.

IQ Test Definition: A simple way to describe intelligence by assigning it a number that represents the ratio of mental to chronological age, multiplied by 100. Average IQ is therefor 100 and is based on a comparison between an individuals performance and that of other comparable people. 
Mental Age: Whatever score you get on the test determines what age you are at. 
Chronological Age: Age in years. 
IQ Formula: IQ= MA/QA x100 ex) A ten year old performs at the level of an eight year old is IQ is 10/80x100=80. 

Normal Deviations: 
34% of the population will get a IQ of 100-115
68% of population will have an IQ of 85-115 
Myths of IQ tests:
a) IQ tests measure intelligence
b) IQ tests measure the only important thing worth measuring
c) IQ score doesn't change
Truth of IQ tests:
a) IQ score predicts academic success

Looking at these myths I believe that IQ tests should not be used in schools because what it is, is a measurement of the performance on the test at that day, not overall. A IQ test also doesn't incorporate important things like social interactions, emotions and things like common sense knowledge. Therefor I believe that IQ tests are to standardized to be used in classrooms. 

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