Thursday, January 12, 2012

Being a wise consumer of info. about educational psychology.

There are five important facts to think about when learning information about educational psychology, these include:
1) Be cautious of what is reported in the popular media
2) Avoid drawing conclusions about individual needs based on a group research.- Remember that you have to meet individual needs of the students but don't just assume that they have certain needs because of research done for a group. ex) If there is research done that children who play video games tend to be more violent, don't assume that just because a individual plays video games means he or she is violent.
3) Recognize  how easy it is too overgeneralize about a small or clinical sample.- Be careful about drawing generalizations from an individual to a group.
4) Be aware that a single study is usually not the defining word.
5) Always consider the source of information and evaluate its credibility.

Considering these points, after watching the video on  Allison Cameron and her classroom, it gives present and future teachers a lot to think about. Allison shows how incorporating physical education into her classroom full of struggling teenagers helps to improve their focus and skills in school. As a future teacher I believe that it is important to take this research into consideration.I do believe that physical education is important to improve brain activity certain factors of this research need to be taken into consideration. Certain aspects like disabilities, money for equipment and support from the school's staff may come into affect. It is important to realize that not ever student in future classrooms will be able to physically do exercise and that certain changes may have to take place if this is the case. Also it is important to see that Allison had the support and money to do this kind of activity, it may be harder for other teachers to obtain the money and support. Teachers must also realize that not all students will benefit from this type of activity because every individual learns differently. Overall I believe that incorporating physical activity into classrooms will help students learn and achieve but certain situations must be taken into consideration.

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