Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Cooperative Learning

As discussed earlier, it is important to incorporate different learning and teaching strategies into classrooms in order to benefit every different kind of learner. A way to benefit the interpersonal learner is to do cooperative or group learning. Cooperative learning can include group projects, partner projects small groups and group presentations. I believe that cooperative learning has both benefits and negative aspects to it. Cooperative learning helps the interpersonal learner interact and learn in a comfortable environment but also allows students to learn from different students and gain a different perspective on learning a topic. In other words the children can learn from each other. I also think that group projects are important because it allows the children to interact in a situation that they will be dealing with in real life. The students have to deal with different members of the group either slacking off or taking over the project, just like situations that will happen in the real world. Having said this I also believe that there are negatives to cooperative learning as well. I know that some people including me are intrapersonal learners and therefore like to learn on their own and have there own space. Doing group work with these intrapersonal students can cause anxiety and stress within the student, so it is important to know the students in order to meet their needs. When doing group work, there is also always the problem on how to mark the children, or how to deal with students who may not participate in the project. All of these factors must be considered when trying to incorporate cooperative learning into the classroom.  

If cooperative learning is to take place in a classroom, I think a very important thing that must be done is self-evaluation and critical reflection. I think it is important for the children to look back and reflect on the finished project and the group work in order for them to learn from their mistakes and also to acknowledge the positive aspects that were done. If students sit back and reflect on the project at the end, it gives important feedback for the children and teachers and helps them learn to be able to achieve better next time.

Going into Elementary education, I believe that involving group work into classrooms is very important especially at this young age. At the elementary age many children are developing social skills and communication skills, which makes it very important for children to be able to work together and communicate in a school setting. I also believe that allowing the students to interact with each other creates bonds which allows the students to have a feeling of belonging which can decrease anxiety and confidence issues

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