Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Study Strategies

After watching the video on Andi Bell and The Super Memory Strategy, It made me think about memory and study strategy's and made me think about my own study strategies. Andi Bell used the location strategy, he placed objects or things that he has to remember in different places and that way when it came time to retrieve these memories he would think about the place and the information would come to him. I thought this was a very neat strategy and could work for some people but I do not think that I would ever be able to attempt this. 

Encoding its the way that you get information into your memory. When I study I tend to use the encoding strategy of rehearsal. I often re-wright my notes and then make flash cards and constantly rehears the information until it is in my memory and I can write it out without looking at my notes. I also often use deep processing and elaboration. While writing out my notes I often think of different cues or acronyms that will help me remember the information. I also tend to relate the information to my everyday life so that instead of just memorizing the info I actually make meaning of it and learn what it actually means. I think that my studying strategy works well but takes a lot of time and patience. I am a bodily kinaesthetic learner so I think It would be neat to try different studying strategies that will enable me to move around and use my body and see if there results are better. 

I often have a problem with retrieving the information, which is getting the information out after its been encoded. I think that I have a problem with it because I have problems with interference. It is very difficult for me to learn new information and still be able to keep the old information without constant rehearsal. This type of forgetting is very frustrating and hopefully I will be able to find a strategy that will help me over come this and do better on tests. 

Knowing about memory and different study strategies will be very helpful to me as a future teacher. Understanding the way the brain memorizes things and different strategies that I can give my students will help them score better on tests and remember the information that will be taught. It is also important as a teacher to understand how hard memory can be for different people. Knowing this it is important to have patience with children and help them find a strategy that enables them to use their specific learning skills  to benefit them. With me having a retrieval problem I think  that it will help me to understand how difficult it is for children to memorize things and allow me to empathize with them. 

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