Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Student vs. Teacher Based Instruction

In the classroom it is very Important to change up the way that material is being taught. A way that a teacher can do this includes, student centered direction, teacher direct, group work and individual work. In John Hunter's game "World peace" he strictly uses student-centered instruction to allow the children to solve the problem of world peace on their own. He built a board game that held different parts of the world which all had different problems. He told the students that his generation has left the earth in rough shape and that it is up to their generation to fix it. Hunter does this with his grade four classroom. I believe that this type of instruction can be very effective if done properly. Hunter did this game with a younger aged group and because of this I believe that guidelines must be given to the students and there also must be frequent stop times to stop and have the teacher involved because an activity like this can easily get out of control. 

Having said this, I believe that it is important to incorporate both student and teacher directed instruction. I think it is important to allow students to solve problems on their own because this will later help them in real life and show the children that they cannot always really on other people. The other thing that I really liked about the "World Peace Game” is that it gave the children a real life situation to deal with. It also incorporated every different subject such as: English because they had to write notes, Science because it included things like global warming, Social Studies because it dealt with political and geographical problems and math because the students had to calculate equations. I also liked how it made the students move around, which benefited the kinesthetic learner, Gave a visual for the visual learner and the board game was also hands on which helps the tactile learner. 

Overall I really liked the idea of Hunter's game and hope as a future teacher I can incorporate different activities like this that will benefit every different learner in my classroom.

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