Thursday, March 22, 2012


 Today in class we watched a TED talk show by William Ury, who talked about difficult negotiation and how sometimes we need to step back and access the situation before reacting to it. He also said that the secret to peace is the 3rd side, and the 3rd side is us.

As a future teacher I think it is very important to learn about negotiation and how to get through situations as calm as possible to create and maintain peace within the classroom. Having said this I think that in order to maintain positive attitudes throughout the classroom it is important to deal with disagreements as calmly as possible. As soon as tempers start to flare that is when a disagreement becomes a conflict and a problem. I also think it is important to maintain good relationships not only with students but with coworkers parents and even the community. If strong and positive relationships are held with the people that you must deal with, a conflict is less likely to start and if it does it most likely can be solved in a reasonable manner. 

Overall I thought that Ury's message was very powerful and valuable. I don't think very many people can argue that a positive and calm environment isn't the ideal situation. In my future classroom I will diffidently think about how Ury stated that you must take walks when a conflict occurs, but don't walk face to face, walk side to side and really try to focus on how to resolve the situation in a positive manner. Personally I do not like getting in arguments with people or getting into conflicts with them. I like to be calm and carefree and make sure that everyone is happy and not being conflicted with the actions that I do. Knowing this I think that in the future it will be very important to me to maintain a peaceful classroom where relationships are good with everyone in the learning environment and community. I truly think that having a calm classroom and positive energy flowing throughout is the best setting for children to learn in. As learned by watching Shawn Achor on the positive psychology, he stated how it is important to be positive and happy because being happy can increase success rates. I will remember this video on negotiation and use it to help me to maintain a healthy classroom. 

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